Pietermaritzburg Girls’ timeline battle: What’s older?

Pietermaritzburg Girls’ timeline battle: What’s older?

Pietermaritzburg Girls has been around for over a century, but just how old does that make it? Take a look at what’s older and younger than the institution.

Pietermaritzburg Girls High School
Pietermaritzburg Girls / YouTube / Screenshot

Pietermaritzburg Girls’ High School was established on August 4, 1920, beginning with 71 students under the leadership of its first principal, Miss Norma Burns. When Pietermaritzburg Girls’ High School (PGHS) opened its doors in 1920, the world was a very different place. 

As the school celebrates over a century of excellence, it’s interesting to compare its legacy with the timeline of other iconic places and events in South Africa. Some far predate PGHS, carrying centuries of history, while others only emerged in the wake of the school’s establishment. 

Let’s explore this crazy timeline battle and discover who wins in the race against time!

What’s older than Pietermaritzburg Girls High? 

1. The Castle of Good Hope (1666)

South Africa’s oldest colonial building, the Castle of Good Hope in Cape Town, predates GHS by over 250 years. It was built by the Dutch East India Company and served as a stronghold for maritime defense; later becoming a prison, fort, and administrative center.

Today, it’s a fascinating museum that showcases artifacts from South Africa’s colonial past, complete with ghost stories and guided tours.

Castle of Good Hope 25'
Castle of Good Hope / YouTube

2. University of Cape Town (1829)

UCT is South Africa’s oldest university, originally founded as the South African College. By the time PGHS was founded, UCT had already cemented its reputation as the country’s premier university for nearly a century.

Today, UCT remains a hub for cutting-edge research and academic excellence, boasting alumni like Nobel Prize winners and anti-apartheid activists. 

UCT 25'
UCT / ilovesouthafrica.com

3. Durban Botanic Gardens (1849)

The Durban Botanic Gardens is the oldest surviving botanic garden in Africa. These gardens are a sanctuary for plant lovers and picnic enthusiasts. By the time PGHS was established, this garden was already cultural and natural treasure in KwaZulu-Natal.

Today, it’s known for its lush green lawns, stunning orchid collection, and tranquil lake.

Durban Botanic Gardens 25'
Durban Botanic Gardens / tripadvisor.com

4. Pietermaritzburg’s City Hall (1901)

Pietermaritzburg’s City Hall stands tall as the largest red-brick building in the Southern Hemisphere. The City Hall predates PGHS by almost two decades and is a symbol of the city’s rich history. Its iconic clock tower and Victorian-era architecture have made it a centerpiece of the city of PMB. 

The City Hall also served as a landmark during the visit of Mahatma Gandhi, who had a transformative moment in Pietermaritzburg long before PGHS became a beacon of education.

PMB City Hall
PMB City Hall / Pinterest

What’s younger than Pietermaritzburg Girls High?

1. Apartheid (1948)

While segregation already existed prior to apartheid, this policy that tragically shaped South African society for decades came into effect 28 years after PGHS was founded. Yes - Pietermaritzburg Girls is older than Apartheid. 

This makes the school a witness to both the rise and fall of apartheid, which highlights the schools resilience and ability to adapt and change with the times.

Apartheid Protest
Apartheid Protest / Pinterest

2. Kruger National Park (1926)

While game reserves existed before 1926, the official decree of Kruger National Park - one of South Africa’s most famous wildlife sanctuaries - happened six years after PGHS opened its doors.

Today, it’s one of the world’s most iconic wildlife reserves. It is home to the Big Five and continues to draw visitors from all over the globe. 

Kruger National Park
Kruger National Park / thesouthafrican.com

3. Soweto (1930s)

The iconic township of Soweto, which became a focal point of resistance during apartheid, was only developed a decade after PGHS began educating young women. 

The parallel between Soweto’s fight for equality and PGHS’s mission to empower young women shows how education and activism shaped South Africa’s legacy.

Soweto Orlando Towers
Soweto Orlando Tower / gauteng.net

4. The First Commercial Flight in South Africa (1929)

Nine years after PGHS was founded, South Africa’s aviation industry took off with the first commercial flight by Union Airways (later named South African Airways). This revolutionary event marked the beginning of modern transportation in the country and a significant step in connecting its cities and people. 

Just imagine how far South Africans’ horizons expanded; from walking to class at PGHS to flying across the country within a single generation.

SAA 25'
South African Airways / aviationweek.com

When Pietermaritzburg Girls’ High School opened its doors in 1920, it entered a world brimming with change. By comparing it to these historic landmarks and events, we see how PGHS is uniquely positioned in the story of South Africa. 

It’s older than the Kruger National Park and South Africa’s aviation industry, yet it’s a baby compared to the Caste of Good Hope and the iconic University of Cape Town. 

Pietermaritzburg Girls’ High School isn’t just an institution. It’s a symbol of progress, resilience, and the endless pursuit of excellence in South Africa’s rich history.

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East Coast Breakfast new podcast banner / ECR Images


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