PIC: Dinosaur sized alligator captured

PIC: Dinosaur sized alligator captured

After this discovery, we are convinced dinosaurs do exist somewhere in the world.

PIC: Dinosaur sized alligator captured

Florida hunters have bagged a five-metre, 362 kg alligator last weekend and photos of the massive specimen have gone viral.

The owner of Outwest Farms in Okeechobee, Florida and hunting guide Blake Godwin discovered the alligator in one of their ponds while on a guided hunt. They believe the gator had been feasting on the farm's cattle.

Godwin told a local news station ''We discovered the remains of what we determine to be cattle in the water. We determined that he was in fact attacking our livestock as they came to drink''.

The guide said Lightsey shot the gator as it surfaced about six metres in front of them. Godwin said the animal was so big that the pair had to use a farm tractor to pull of out of the water.

Do you think this Alligator is real or Photoshopped?

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