Parent complains to school about teacher's "really big boobs"

Parent complains to school about teacher's "really big boobs"

A debate is raging on Reddit after a "naturally blessed" teacher revealed that a parent complained to the school's admin that their son was talking about her boobs at home. 

Young female teacher helping a boy standing by a blackboard
File photo: iStock/Oleksandr Hrytsiv

An eighth grade teacher has revealed that she got "dress coded" by a parent who was upset that their son commented on her breasts. 

The teacher insisted that she always follows the school's dress code and can't help it if she is blessed with a bigger bosom than some people. 

"I am a middle school teacher that is teaching 8th grade this year. I have (for lack of better words) really big boobs so it’s hard to conceal them. I always follow dress code and have never been dress coded in the 6 years I’ve been in education. Everyone always compliments my outfits!" she wrote on Reddit. 

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The teacher says the school's administrator received an official complaint from an upset parent. 

"My admin told me that a parent came up to the school and said that their son was talking about my boobs at home and they were concerned that I was not following dress code for him to be able to see my boobs."

While most people's teachers growing up either looked like Miss Trunchbull or Miss Honey from 'Matilda', things are a little different these days.

However, every school has a dress code, and some teachers can't help it if clothes fit them differently than others because of their body type. 

"My admin straight up told the parent that I always follow the dress code... Has this ever happened to anyone? I’ve NEVER had a parent complain about my body? I’m just a curvy girl and I physically cannot hide it," the teacher added. 

Many Reddit users defended the teacher. "Oh wow!!! A teenage boy noticed a woman's boobs. This has to be the first time in human history," one person wrote. 

A second user commented:  "How DARE you! Leave your boobs at home! DUH!"

Some users debated the parent's reaction, saying he/she could have used the incident as a teachable moment. 

"It says a lot that this parent's response to their 13-year-old sexualizing their teacher was to run and complain to the principal because [checks notes] you have a body, instead of telling the kid to focus on school and, by the way, we don't talk about women like that," one user replied. 

Another person wrote: "So instead of the parent talking to their kid about respecting someone's body and minding their own business, she decided to complain to your higher up. I hate my generation, so much. We are failing as parents."

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Several teachers also shared their own dress code experiences. 

"I had a principal tell my pregnant coworker/friend that she needed to do better choosing her clothing due to her "changing body." Her boobs are already pretty big, so when she was pregnant they were huge, but like...what the hell was she supposed to do about it?!"


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Main image credit: iStocl/Oleksandr Hrytsiv

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