One handbag at a time

One handbag at a time

Your old handbag could be another woman's hope.

Bag pack thumbnail
I was doing some cleaning at the weekend and while unpacking a few boxes in the garage, I found a very old but well preserved handbag that I hadn't used in years.

I was faced with two options:

1. I could either throw this old bag away


2. I could give it a good wipe, fill it with some day to day essentials (like toiletries and snacks) and go out on the street and give this new and improved handbag to a woman who desperately needs it.

Going with option two was a no brainer. I started to think about all the things I use and rely on in my daily routine. While these simple items are at my disposal, there are women out there who haven't felt the bristles of a  toothbrush against their teeth or soothing lotion on their dry and aching feet in years.

I have to do something. It's a small gesture but it can make a world of difference to the woman who receives this heart-packed handbag. I've got my bag that I'm going to fill, I know you've got one too. Ladies, if we each pack a bag (doesn't matter the size) and hand it out with love, we've touched a hurt and/ or destitute woman in a very special way.

Who's with us?

bag for good

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