Morgan Freeman reads Pres. Jacob Zuma's speech

Morgan Freeman reads Pres. Jacob Zuma's speech

Pardon, Mister President, I think Morgan can help you with that.

Morgan reads Zuma's speech
Is it me, or is our President's speeches sounding a little belaboured? I have watched paint dry faster than it takes our leader to finish a sentence.

I wonder how much valuable information is lost because our citizens either fall asleep or switch to Generations during a delivery from the 1st citizen of the Republic of South Africa.

That lead me to search for one of the best speakers around to deliver that same speech but with more... command.

In my quest and after calling in all the favours I have left with every person of influence on the planet I was able to secure the voice services of none other than Morgan Freeman.

When you hear this version it makes you wonder how much more popular our President would be if he delivered like Morgan Freeman!

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