Man gives snake a bath like a child

Man gives snake a bath like a child

The new 'man's best friend'...

A man washes a large snake
A man washes a large snake/Instagram Screenshot/@saleesh_thrissur

Snakes aren't the usual type of pets most people would migrate towards, but that doesn't mean they aren't loved and cared for like fluffy pooches. 

They can be playful, just like Man's best friend, the humble hound... or so we have seen in some instances.

A video of a man doing the most unnatural thing with what we assume is his pet snake has left us shocked (and intrigued). 

The man is seen giving his snake, which looks like a cobra, a bath. This intrigued us because we didn't know snakes had baths or enjoyed baths. 

The OC Vet Med Center website states: "Snake baths help them shed old skin, kill mites, and move their bowels. The ideal time to bathe a snake is at the start of its shedding cycle. However, since they enjoy their baths so much, it is also okay to do it at other times." 

Wild reptiles are said to bathe themselves, but pet reptiles need some help. Only water is meant for reptile baths, and snakes usually soak in the water. So, this video may not be correct technically, but it was fun to watch these two interact. 

Watch the video from Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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