LISTEN: The toys your kid plays with could easily inspire their career choice

LISTEN: The toys your kid plays with could easily inspire their career choice

"I made dolls from toilet paper and today I'm a stylist" - KZN listener.

Child plays with doll

Christmas gifts, birthday gifts, and more... we always hope that we are buying the perfect toy for our child. 

Enough to fit their personality, enough to make them dream, and more than anything, feel safe. 

READ MORE: Children really are the future - sentimental moment between children from different worlds

The most amazing evolution is seeing your little one play with those toys as an adult - this time real objects in real life.

Sky Tshabalala used to turn the radio down and commentate on the sports. 

Keri Miller used to do the same with her dolls. 

KZN listeners share some of the toys they played with that somehow influenced their careers: 

READ MORE: Is having children in your late 30s a good or bad idea?

Next time you buy your child, your niece or godchild a gift - imagine who or what they could become. 

Why not nudge them to dream big? 

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Main Image Courtesy: Pexels

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