LISTEN: Beautiful changes sees The Big Favour return to Waterloo Crisis Centre

LISTEN: Beautiful changes sees The Big Favour return to Waterloo Crisis Centre

What was lost has now been rebuilt into something truly remarkable. 

On Mandela Day, East Coast Radio spent a day at Waterloo crisis repairing the centre.
On Mandela Day, East Coast Radio spent a day at Waterloo crisis repairing the centre. Image: ECR

On Mandela Day, East Coast Radio (ECR) spent a day at Waterloo Crisis Centre repairing doors, handing over kitchen appliances, and feeding kids. 

The centre needed further renovations. 

LISTEN: Waterloo Crisis Centre seeks inspiration

The Big Favour reached out to our partners who sponsored resources and other donations.

ECR also contributed in making an impactful difference by buying books and educational toys that will be handed over to the centre for the children to use. 

Have a listen to how the whole day went down:

Darren Maule getting a tour around the grounds at Waterloo.
Darren Maule getting a tour around the grounds at Waterloo. Image: ECR

It truly was an unforgettable experience.

Darren Maule MC'd the event, while Tsepo Nthebe, who is the learning and development facilitator at Marshalls World of Sport, said a few words. 

Read more: Big Favour: Queensburgh community celebrate new Queen’s Soup Kitchen

Then more guests had the opportunity to speak, including Sarah Watkin Whitaker from Stellar Consulting. 

Have a look at the Facebook Live videos from the amazing day:

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Main image attribution: ECR

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