Keri's Wellness Wednesday: A yoga class you'll never forget

Keri's Wellness Wednesday: A yoga class you'll never forget

Sign up today for Keri's beginners' class and connect with your 'younger' you again.

Keri's yoga class
As a yoga ‘instructor’, the first thing I hear is…"I would love to try a class, but", and then a string of excuses follow:
-         I am the most unfit person in the world
-         I can’t touch my toes
-         I can’t handstand
-         I don’t know how to do yoga
-         I am too old
-         I am a boy
-         I am embarrassed  I won’t know what to do… etc etc etc
So this is your chance to join other people who feel EXACTLY THE SAME WAY YOU DO.  
Do this for me, imagine 5-year-old you. Look at 5-year-old you, the little you who used to love running, and playing, and trying new things.

Now make a promise to 5-year-old you that you are going to let him/her out to play again.

This  Saturday. March 25th, 2017
Time: 9 am to 11 am.

Place: Durban primary school. 15 Lindley place Umbilo

What to expect?

- A workshop environment where questions are welcome
- There will be no praying or chanting
- Expect to leave with a basic understanding of yoga and the foundational movements.

- Expect to sweat. Have fun and make a few new friends.

4 sleeps until your first... or pretend first... yoga class. Imagine 5 year old you, look at 5 year old you who used to love running and playing and trying new things. Now make a promise to 5 year old you that you are going to let him/her out to play again. This coming Saturday. March 25th. Time: 9am to 11am. Place: Durban primary school. 15 Lindley place Umbilo Come with your partner. Your parent. Your friend. Your boss. ... just come. The cost is R200, the experience is priceless. Future you will thank you!!!! Please book ([email protected]) so I don't turn you away at the door. And please BE ON TIME. There is secure parking. Bring a Mat, waterbottle, sweat towel and 5 year old you :) Yes, you will manage. Promise. Now take a big breath... and send me that email

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What do you need to do?

- Please make a booking to [email protected]
- be on time
- Bring/borrow a yoga mat, a water bottle, a sweat towel and 5-year-old you!

Yes, you will manage. Promise.
Now take a big breath... and send me that email.

Please note: I am NOT a doctor, if you have any serious injuries or ailments consult with and get clearance from your GP first before signing up.

keri's wellness : east coast yoga

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