Keri's Wellness Wednesday: How to freshen up smelly shoes with newspaper

Keri's Wellness Wednesday: How to freshen up smelly shoes with newspaper

This Wellness Wednesday is certainly NOT old news - it's just old newspaper.

Keri's Wellness Wednesday: How freshen smelly shoes with newspaper

Listen: Keri's Wellness Wednesday - how to get rid of bad odour from shoes with a newspaper:

As summer leaves KZN and autumn approaches, we find ourselves opting for our closed shoes rather than our slops and sandals. Closed shoes are warm… but can also be smelly.

What you will need:

- Smelly shoes
- Old newspapers

What to do:

- Scrunch up newspaper and stuff it into your shoes.

Your shoes are warm and dark, and that is the perfect environment for smelly bacteria. Newspaper is great at absorbing moisture and it’s the carbon-filled ink in the newspaper that makes it so good at absorbing moisture – allowing your shows to dry out. Dry shoes equals bacteria-free shoes.

And bacteria-free shoes equals odour-free shoes.

For a little extra freshness, sprinkle some bicarb (my wonder fix for everything) in the shoes first.
And when you are done drying out your shoes (over night) – you can still either recycle the paper or use the newspaper (with a little vinegar spritz) to clean your windows.

Extra tip : Some people actually use newspaper in the fridge to absorb odours too.

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