Keri needs your help to get rid of her friend who has overstayed her welcome

Keri needs your help to get rid of her friend who has overstayed her welcome

Ever had a friend overstay their welcome by like a week? Keri has one and she doesn't know how to tell her that she's had enough. 

Friends 2.0
Pexels /

Take a listen to KZN sharing their advice with Keri on how she could get rid of her friend or read the details under the podcast.

One of Keri's best friends came over to 'visit' from Cape Town. Naturally, Keri was quite excited to have a few days of girl time, but it's approaching two weeks now and her friend has not left. 

Read: Does Keri need an intervention?

The friend is using up the electricity, taking longer showers, even using Keri's bikinis and gluten-free conditioner to shave her legs!

Yup! Keri has a dilemma on her hands and she does not know what to do.  

This is what the tweeps said she should do:

Keri desperately needs your help! How does she let her friend know it's time to roll out but she still wants to be besties? Share your advice in the comments section below and who knows, we could be using it to get Keri's life back.

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