Kanye's rant leaves Ellen Degeneres stunned!

Kanye's rant leaves Ellen Degeneres stunned!

We've always somewhat admired Kanye West for his opinionated personality, but even Ellen couldn't understand him here.

Ellen & Kanye West Rant

Kanye West shocked the hardest person to surprise - Ellen Degeneres. 


The superstar rapper was on the Ellen show and he left no topic unchallenged, as he tackled everything from bullying, fashion, and "being real" on his seven-minute tirade that left Ellen short of words.


It all started when Ellen asked Kanye - who was on the show to promote his new album, The Life of Pablo - if he regretted anything he had posted on Twitter.


His response was hilarious. Check out the rant here:

At one point Kanye jumped out of his chair and rushed towards the audience, waving his hands in the air.

"I am an artist," he continued. "I see sounds. I see the importance and the value of everyone being able to experience a more beautiful life."

Kanye ended his speech by saying: "I'm sorry for the realness.

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