Indian YouTuber arrested for cooking a peacock

Indian YouTuber arrested for cooking a peacock

It has been alleged that this man cooked India's National Bird to get more social media views. 

Green and blue peacock in the forest
Green and blue peacock in the forest/Pexels/@Oleksandr P

A certain amount of sensationalism comes with being a social media influencer these days. That feeling of power or influence can lead people to do some unconstitutional things. 

We have seen people visit extremities for views, from trying out 'poop' face masks to allegedly cooking a Great White Shark

One man took it too far when he decided it was acceptable to cook the national bird of India, the Peacock

Kodam Pranay Kumar, a man from Telangana, India, went viral for all the wrong reasons when he shared a video of himself cooking and eating peacock curry. He has since been arrested under the Wildlife Protection Act, as the peacock, the national bird of India, is protected under law. 

"Police said that Kodam Pranay Kumar was detained on Monday and sent to jail after “other videos in his mobile phone confirmed” that the bird he’d cooked for his curry dish video was indeed a peacock." (SCMP)

It is unclear still as to how Kumar got ahold of a peacock and investigators have been tasked with the job of delving into this. The video that he posted online has since been removed. 

We doubt the response he received from sharing the video was what he expected. Many people came down hard on Kumar for disrespecting the country's national symbol. 

"The Indian peacock, identified with its vibrant blue colour and a regal wingspan among males, holds a special symbolic importance in India." (SCMP)

Peacocks are symbols of royalty and power and hold great prestige in Hinduism. 

A piece in the Hindu Mystic blog says: "Indians keep peacock feathers inside their houses, as it is believed that their feathers will bring luck and prosperity to their families and friends. Also, Hindus keep hordes of peacock feathers in and around their homes, believing that they will repel pesky insects and flies." 

Peacocks paraded for the ancient Kings and showed off their beautiful feathers. They are symbols of joy, peace, beauty, and poise, and are regarded as majestic. 

Kumar's fate has yet to be determined, but he has been in jail for 14 days. The courts will decide after this time whether he will be given bail or further jail time. 

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Image Courtesy of Pexels


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