Giant alligator spotted strolling at golf course

Giant alligator spotted strolling on golf course

Golfers in shock after spotting giant reptile on golf course!

Alligator on golf course

Imagine playing a round of golf, and when you're about to pull off a legendary swing you spot a giant reptile strolling past, minding it's own business. 

Shocker, right?

“That is the biggest freakin’ alligator I have ever seen in my life,” Charles Helms was heard saying as he recorded the huge reptile.

The giant alligator was spotted in Florida, US, strolling to a lake near the third hole to cool off.

It seems as though the alligator is part of the golf course family as Wendy Schofield, who works at its pro shop, told News 3: “He doesn't bother anybody and they don't bother him, he's like a mascot for the course."

"He has been here for a very, very long time, he's not new at all… the word has spread that this is a great place to come and play. He is the highlight, but we are worth the price too", she added enthusiastically.

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