German mayor bans cactus plants from schools and nurseries

German mayor bans cactus plants from schools and nurseries

This German town is not taking any chances when it comes to children's safety...

Small cactus plants
File photo: iStock

Officials in Germany have banned cactus plants from municipal buildings after a man was injured by the plant while visiting a local school.

The man reportedly needed medical attention, prompting the mayor of Plettenberg to take serious steps to prevent further incidents involving the prickly plant

"What was an injury to the adult man's arm could easily have been a serious injury to the face for a small child in the same place," Sky News quoted the town's council. 

Mayor Ulrich Schulte also sent a letter to staff about the immediate ban. 

"Due to the current situation, all official and private cacti (Cactaceae) must be removed from municipal buildings immediately."

The ban includes schools and nurseries. Mayor Schulte says while the ban might seem "adventurous, excessive, superfluous or ridiculous" to some, it is necessary to prevent "ugly injuries".

However, not everyone in the town agrees.

"For daycare centres and schools, it’s ok, but taking them out of the town hall makes no sense," one woman told Sky News. 

Another community member added: "We had an incident here where someone was injured. It fell off a windowsill and onto someone’s lap. But to ban it? It’s just a plant.”

This certainly is a prickly situation!

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Main image credit: iStock/fotocelia

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