Elon Musk vows not to keep alien discovery a secret

Elon Musk vows not to keep alien discovery a secret

Where are the aliens? Well, if SpaceX founder Elon Musk detects anything, he vows to be the first to let the world know...

Creepy alien pointing finger
Alien points finger, Elon Musk/ iStock, X (@tuckercarlson)

UFO and alien sightings have been reported as far back as the 1940s, but we have yet to see concrete proof that they do, in fact, exist. 

Elon Musk, founder of aerospace company SpaceX, says he has not seen any evidence of extraterrestrials, but if he does, he won't keep it a secret. 

"'You can guarantee that the split-second I see any evidence of aliens, I will immediately post that on the X platform, and it will probably be our number one post of all time," he said in a new interview with Tucker Carlson

The billionaire says there is a lot that we don't know, but there are over 6,000 satellites in orbit and not a single one has spotted an alien spacecraft. 

Area 51, a classified U.S. Air Force base in Nevada, USA, has long been thought to be hiding secrets about aliens. There have also been several UFO sightings around the area. 

Elon believes most unidentified flying objects spotted over the years are probably classified military vehicles that are part of a "new weapons program".

He might not be entirely convinced about the existence of aliens, but Elon does believe in a power beyond people.

"Well, we must have come from somewhere. There must be some creator or creative force that caused our existence to come into being. What is the nature of that creator? That, I think, is unknown, and I don't know of a definitive answer to that."

The 53-year-old says he is driven by curiosity.

"I try to understand more about the nature of the universe."

Watch Elon's interview below:


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Main image credit: iStock, X/Tucker Carlson

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