Eek! Python bites man's privates while on the toilet

Eek! Python bites man's privates while on the toilet

"I felt something biting my b****. It was very painful, so I put my hands in the toilet to see what was wrong. I was shocked that I grabbed a snake."

A python snake stuck inside a toilet
A python snake stuck inside a toilet/Facebook/@FactingFacts

Officially, a new fear has been unlocked...

A story that caught our attention online was about a Thai man who was shocked to find a snake inside his toilet while using it. 

Usually, the toilet is a safe space for people; some might even call it their sanctuary, a place they can visit and relieve themselves. But it seems the fears of toddlers who think monsters live inside toilets have come to life.

And if that's the case with your kids - be sure not to share this story with them.

Watch the video below - courtesy of YouTube.

Thangtewanon acted instinctively, took the toilet brush, and fought off the snake. His wounds did not require stitches, but he did visit the hospital for a check-up. 

Luckily, the snake was not venomous, but he has been left psychologically scarred. 

The snake was hiding in the U-bend under the bowl, and therefore, he didn't see it. But let's be honest, how many of you look into the toilet bowl before using the toilet?

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Image Courtesy of Facebook


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