Durban mom recruiter asks if Gen Zs operate differently

Durban mom recruiter asks if Gen Zs operate differently

"Dare I call out the Gen Zs of the world..."

A notepad with generation z on the wooden table
A notepad with generation z on the wooden table/iStock/@designer491

Have the rules changed in recruitment?

This is what a Durban mother, who is a recruiter, asked TikTokers recently. She needed clarification about the way Gen Z workers approach the workplace. Their overall etiquette confused her, and she blatantly wondered if this was the norm amongst all Gen Zs...

She pondered over the way Gen Z workers approach jobs. For one, she admitted that she was making a significant generalisation and didn't enjoy answering calls but migrated to emailing and texting. 

However, it was the inconsistency that Gen Z took regarding job applications and the process. 

Recruitment is a thriving industry, but it is also fast-paced and nit-picky. In turn, recruiters must be on the ball when contacting candidates and expect them to communicate efficiently. However, Jessie Buxton noticed that Gen Z candidates needed to follow up despite expressing interest in specific jobs. 

We can understand how frustrating this might be. Of course, thinking of the entire generation this way can be one-sided, but many who have worked with Gen Zs share some similarities. 

People came through with a different point of view, check out some of the comments:

  • "The number of times recruiters, who had reached out to me 1st, have ghosted me!! Gen Z is returning the same energy."
  • "To be fair, we aren’t notified when we are unsuccessful either, we also just sit and wait until all hope fades into darkness."
  • "Recruiters are the kings of ghosting and no feedback. Energy given back I guess."
  • "Also when looking for jobs candidates NEED to know salaries upfront while in the application process."
  • "While its certainly ideal, I actually think its entitled to EXPECT a response to unsolicited outreach. (and I am Gen Z working in talent)."

It's safe to say people disagreed with her supposition...

Watch as she explains her dilemma - courtesy of TikTok

@_justanothermanicmomday_ This is a heavy generalisation I know but something I experience daily and it makes it so hard to work like this 🫶 #genz #millenials #fyp #SAMA28 ♬ original sound - Manic Mom | Family Finds

Gen Z is generally known for their direct communication style, their tendency to seek out employers they align with, and their preference for balancing work and personal life. 

Perhaps their values don't align well with those of other generations, but we can respect that they know who they are and appreciate their unique characteristics. 

After all, what a boring world it would be if everyone agreed on everything. 

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Image Courtesy of iStock/designer491


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