'Charlie's Angels' star Cameron Diaz shares the real reason she quit acting

'Charlie's Angels' star Cameron Diaz shares the real reason she quit acting

At age 48, the successful actress has decided to retire.

Cameron Diaz shares the real reason she quit acting.

When you're as much of a superstar as Cameron Diaz is and a have a portfolio as exquisite as hers, then retiring in your 40s is nothing truly shocking. 'Bad Teacher', 'Shrek', 'The Holiday', and 'My Sister's Keeper' are some of the amazing films she's starred in prior to her retirement. 

She joined Kevin Hart on his talk show, 'Hart to Heart', where she disclosed the real reason behind her retirement decision. 

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When she spoke to Kevin, she shared that acting had taken over her life and she was doing nothing else. She felt she was no longer managing her own life.

She shared: "When you do something at a really high level for a long period of time it's difficult to focus on anything but that one thing. 

"When you're the person who's sort of delivering on this one thing — you're the person on the screen, you're the person who's 'the talent' — everything around you — all parts of you that isn't that — has to be handed off to other people." 

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She continues to highlight that even her finances and her home where in the hands of other people. 

You can imagine as an actress shooting multiple films and series, the hours are crazy and one needs to have some sort of assistance. 

She then had a 'third-eye' moment where she was seeing herself, for herself, truly. Not as a an actress or anything but as a simple human being. She reflected and looked at everything she had done and accomplished and felt like she had not really done enough. 

"...But for my personal, spiritual self, I was realizing that it's kind of like that one part of me that was functioning at a high level wasn't enough," she said.

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Diaz added that some of the people who were managing her life may not necessarily have had her best interests at heart — but she also didn't have time to figure that out. She was consistently busy chasing call times. 

She shared a snippet of her interview on her Instagram where Kevin Hart shared an interesting statement: 

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If anything, this echoes Keri's statement to rest when you can. To truly know when you are tired. 

To be able to be this honest when the time is up and you have to take a bow. 

She has honestly done one more than enough, we still binge-watch most of her films.

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Main Image Courtesy: @camerondiaz

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