Celebrating Women's Dreams on East Coast Radio This August

Celebrating Women's Dreams on East Coast Radio This August

August is here, and with it comes a special celebration of Women's Month at East Coast Radio. 

Women's Month

This year, we’re dedicating the month to exploring the dreams of women across KZN. Our theme, "What is your dream?", invites women to share their hopes and aspirations - big or small - with us and our listeners.

Throughout history, women have been the architects of change, weaving their dreams into the fabric of our society. From the suffragettes fighting for voting rights to the scientists, artists, and leaders breaking barriers, women's dreams have always been a source of inspiration and progress. At ECR, we believe that every dream, no matter how modest or grand, is worth sharing and celebrating.

We want to hear from you! This Women's Month, we're inviting women from all walks of life to share their dreams with us. Whether you dream of starting your own business, traveling the world, or simply finding peace and happiness, your story matters. To share your on-air message with us, get ready to record a voice note.

WhatsApp the word “Dream" to 061 700 0800, record your voice, and hit send.

Here is a Step-by-Step Guide to help you

  1.  When you record your voice note, be sure to keep it under 30 seconds, or it won’t make it on air.
  2.  Start your voice note with “Hi, this is [Your Name], and my dream is...”
  3. Clearly state your dream in a concise and heartfelt manner.
  4. Once done, review your message to ensure it's clear and under 30 seconds.

Throughout August, ECR will be airing these inspiring voice notes, highlighting the diverse dreams of women across KZN. But that's not all! Stay tuned throughout the month for a special surprise that we'll be revealing.

So, what's your dream? Share it with us, and let your voice inspire others. Whether it's a dream you've been nurturing for years or a newfound aspiration, we can't wait to hear from you. Let's make this Women's Month unforgettable!

Carmen Reddy - Dream
Stacey Norman - Dream
Carol Ofori
Shaina - Dream
Tee Xaba - Dream

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