Scary car accident shows why airbags and seatbelts are vital

Scary car accident shows why airbags and seatbelts are vital

Could this be one of the realest examples of 'scraped through by the skin of your teeth' ever?

Man being rescued from a smashed car
Man being rescued from a smashed car/Instagram Screenshot/@brieflybynewj

Accidents are inevitable, so safety measures have been implemented to help keep us safe. 

We cannot predict what might happen when we are on the roads, but we can be prepared to some extent. Wearing a safety belt or having a vehicle equipped with airbags are safety measures created to help us. 

A video shared on social media showed us how these two safety measures can save a person. 

The video showed the aftermath of an accident where a light motor vehicle got stuck under a heavy motor vehicle. The front of the car was smashed. It didn't look pretty; worse, it looked like no one would come out of the car alive. 

However, passersby stopped and were hopeful in their rescue attempt. The men opened the driver's door, and the airbag was deployed onto the driver. 

After tugging at the car seat, one of the rescuers managed to pull the driver out of the vehicle. 

This was a miracle if ever we saw one. The driver came out of the car and looked visibly okay. 

Watch the video from Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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