Woman labelled "unhinged" for making strange bridesmaid request

Woman labelled "unhinged" for making strange bridesmaid request

A bride is taking the term "bridezilla" to a new level with a strange request for her bridesmaids... 

Close up of bridal party with floral bouquets
File Photo: iStock/Irina Lev

Brides have been known to make some crazy requests from their bridal party, but demanding your bridesmaids wear a necklace adorned with your name screams "unhinged". 

An anonymous Reddit user has decided to shame a woman who "basically brands all of her bridesmaids" on her wedding day. 

"I was chatting with my coworker today who had been in a wedding over the weekend. I asked how it went and she said she had a great time and started showing me some pictures. She looks absolutely radiant and the venue is gorgeous," the woman wrote. 

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The wedding sounded like an "absolutely lovely day" until she saw a picture of her co-worker wearing an interesting bridesmaid accessory.

"She's scrolling through her camera roll when about a dozen pictures in she shows me a selfie in which I notice she is wearing a gold necklace that says 'Emily'." 

Who doesn't love a gold name chain? The only problem is that her co-worker's name is Meredith, not Emily...

"You guys... This freakin bride actually made all her bridesmaids get necklaces WITH HER NAME ON IT!!! I am DYING. Who the hell does that!? I'm sorry but is that not hilariously insane!? All her bridesmaids had to pay for and wear "Emily" necklaces to the wedding," the Redditor wrote

ALSO READ: Bride requests bridesmaids to get a tattoo on hen night

Reddit users have labelled the bride's behaviour "unhinged". 

"This is my favourite story I've read on here in awhile. What a rare, beautiful blend of very low-stakes and also completely unhinged. I really, really want to know what the thought process behind that decision was," one woman wrote. 

Another woman noted that while what the bride did was crazy, she would not stop being her friend over it. 

"This is delightfully unhinged. Nothing to end a friendship over but also, Emily -what the hell? Did you buy several Emily necklaces for one photo in your wedding album? That was a choice. And what do you do with the necklace after the wedding? Regift it to the bride in a couple of years? Befriend another Emily?" she joked. 

That's a good question. 

However, we doubt Emily cares because she is too busy swooning over her perfect wedding pictures that show her bridesmaids wearing gold necklaces with her name on it! 


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Main image credit: iStock/Irina Lev

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