Break-ups have never been sweeter

Break-ups have never been sweeter

A creative baker is making the bitterness of breaking up a little easier to stomach, and we are not complaining at all.

Breakups have never been sweeter

Project founder Isabella Giancarlo of "Eat Your Heart Out" loves to cook, but after a bad breakup last spring, she didn't have much of an appetite.

Instead, she thought incessantly about the break-up itself — particularly the relationship's final conversation.

Giancarlo wanted to reclaim the words that were troubling her. "How could I sweeten words that initially took my appetite away?" she told Mashable.

"I asked my friends for their heartbreak quotes and felt those familiar pangs."

She started asking other people for their parting phrases.

Now, she bakes those phrases into gorgeous desserts — to foster sweet solidarity in the often sad times following the ending of a relationship. 


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A photo posted by eat your heart out (@eatyrheartsout) on

"To me, desserts suggest: Go ahead. Gorge. Engage with the uncomfortable, sticky feelings of a broken heart that are so often dismissed as self-indulgent," she said. "Devour and reclaim those words and experiences."


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