The battle of the boys

The battle of the boys

Justin Bieber and One Direction, two of the big brands and artists release their albums on the same day.  Will fans be swayed? 

one direction vs jsutin bieber
The anticipated release of One Direction's Made in the A.M. and Justin Bieber's Purpose comes with much buzz and excitement in the music industry, as the sales race is a huge topic amidst the air.  Who will out-weigh whom?

Justin Bieber has been a very busy person lately, promoting his new album recently on Ellen DeGeneres and made a special announcement of his world tour dates for 2016. Bieber has been on the media’s lips for all the wrong things, he admitted that he nearly let fame destroy him and now wants to redeem himself to his loyal fans.

One Direction has also been active on social media, promoting their album Made in the A.M via video teasers and interviews. The boy band recently made a cameo on JK Rowling’s new book and has been active on live radio shows and interviews promoting their album.

Despite the numbers talk and competition imposed by the tough music industry and analysts, we support both artists and wish them the best.

We are giving away awesome Justin Bieber and One Direction prizes to ultimate fans. Take the quiz, send us your score with either #Bieber or #1Direction and you could be a winner!

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