African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe: Fudukazi’s Magic

African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe: Fudukazi’s Magic

In the latest episode of 'African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe', we follow the story of Fudukazi, the wise Queen Mother Tortoise, and how she changed the animal kingdom with her magic.

African Story Magic Fudukazi's Magic (English)
East Coast Radio Podcasts

Long, long ago, all the animals in the land shared the same dull brown hue. They lived peacefully, with mutual respect for one another. Among them was Fudukazi, a wise and magical Queen Mother Tortoise, beloved by all.

One fateful day, Fudukazi chose to share her extraordinary gift. With a soft, melodic song, she transformed a simple summer’s day into something magical and joyous. 

As each animal closed their eyes and made a wish, something incredible happened

By sunset, the name of the wise Queen Mother Tortoise, Fudukazi, had become etched in the hearts and minds of all who had witnessed her magic. Her story lived on through generations of storytellers.

Listen to Gcina Mhlophe as she brings this magical tale to life in the latest episode of African Story Magic. Click below for the English or isiZulu versions of this story.

Lalela isiqephu esisha sesiZulu ngezansi:

African Story Magic Fudukazi's Magic (isiZulu)
East Coast Radio Podcasts

This podcast series is a collaboration between Gcina Mhlophe and East Coast Radio, and Season 2 is proudly brought to you by McDonald's Happy Meal Readers.

Episode 6 credits:

  • Voice of Fudukazi (English) – Carol Ofori
  • Voice of Fudukazi (isiZulu) – Khosi Zwane
  • Voice of Hyena (both) – Ndabe Zondi
  • Voice of Leopard (English) – Natarah Nadesan
  • Voice of Leopard (isiZulu) – Gcinokuhle Malinga
  • Voice of Giraffe (English) – Danny Guselli
  • Voice of Giraffe (isiZulu) – Ntsikelelo Khanyile

Production team:

  • Production engineer: Lango Cele
  • Production assistant: Ntsikelelo Khanyile
  • Executive producer: Diane Macpherson

Listen, below, to Gcina talking about Fudukazi's Magic and why she loves this special story.

African Story Magic The Singing Chameleon
East Coast Radio Podcasts

The Singing Chameleon: A tale of music, magic, and belonging

Meanwhile, the previous episode of  African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe told the story of a lonely chameleon who once lived on a riverbank.  

Shunned by the other animals, he was ridiculed and called ugly, often hiding away from their cruelty. But one day, everything changed – all because of his unique gift: the gift of music. Listen below.

Episode 5 credits:

  • Voice of forest animal: J Sbu
  • Voice of old man: Andile Tsotetsi
  • Voice of Chameleon: Sbongiseni Nkatha

Production team:

  • Production engineer: Lango Cele
  • Production assistant: Ntsikelelo Khanyile
  • Executive producer: Diane Macpherson

Season one of African Story Magic has won the following awards:

Follow the show or listen via the ECR website under Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or Apple Podcasts!

Gcina Mhlophe
East Coast Radio Podcasts

More about Dr Gcina Mhlophe

Dr Gcina Mhlophe is a celebrated author, storyteller, and founding director of the Gcinamasiko Arts & Heritage Trust. Her works have been translated into multiple languages, including all official South African languages and even Braille.

Dr Mhlophe has directed her theatrical plays in the USA, UK, and Greenland, with her most renowned and studied work being 'Have You Seen Zandile?'

She has been awarded honorary doctorates from eight universities globally and has received numerous accolades, such as the SAMA, OBBIE, and Joseph Jefferson Awards, as well as the SAFTA Lifetime Achievement award for her acting and contributions to film in South Africa.

As a leading figure in South African storytelling, her birthday, October 24th, has been designated National Storytelling Day since 2019, celebrated at her own venue, The Storytelling Tree, in Durban.

READ: Where all the stories began: African Story Magic with Gcina Mhlophe (Episode 1)

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