The best place to power nap? At the back of a bakkie

The best place to power nap? At the back of a bakkie

There’s a clear distinction between sleeping and napping. And just so we're clear – we're advocating for napping as a productivity booster, not as an excuse for sleeping on the job.

Two workers napping at the back of a moving bakkie
Two workers napping at the back of a moving bakkie/Instagram Screenshot/jumpmanamapiano

Many companies strive for increased productivity to achieve better outcomes while maintaining a healthy work environment and retaining their workforce.

Achieving this balance can be challenging, especially when unconventional work practices are met with resistance. Not everyone agrees that the forward-thinking strategies of major brands like Google, Meta, and Nike are realistic or even attainable.

Some may even fear the idea of allowing employees to nap on the job. But in South Africa, we have our own unique approach to napping – one that doesn’t require sleep pods or designated rest rooms.

A video shared on Instagram shows two workers sitting at the back of a bakkie. While neither looks particularly comfortable, that doesn't stop them from sneaking in a quick power nap while on the move to their next job.

The video highlights people who can nap anywhere, any time. You've got to admire those who can drift off so effortlessly, although we must admit, being a passenger is often the perfect excuse for a nap. Look at babies, for instance – they often fall asleep the second the car starts moving.

But jokes aside, many efficient leaders swear by the power of napping and its benefits.

An article on Fast Company Middle East shares the proven benefits of midday naps in the workplace. It highlights one study that found that afternoon naps improve cognitive performance and alertness for two hours. 

While another study showed that after three weeks of daily 30-minute naps, employees became 2.3% more productive and showed increased patience and attention at work.

Check out the video from Instagram

Danny Guselli Podcast banner
Danny Guselli Podcast banner/Supplied


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