Would you like some mop water with your French fries?

Would you like some mop water with your French fries?

Could this be the worst thing you see eating at a fast food restaurant?

A person holds a dirty mop over food at a fast food outlet
A person holds a dirty mop over food at a fast food outlet/Instagram Screenshot/@biancayeona

Unsurprisingly, you would be eager to see something like this. As much as it may be disgusting and concerning for many people who eat out, it is also necessary for us to see. 

When you visit a restaurant, as a diner, you expect a certain amount of hygiene and precaution to be taken. After all, you will be eating the food that the restaurant prepares for you. 

It's fair to say that running a restaurant that is not 100% clean is one thing, but seeing a worker do the most despicable thing in front of the food and the customers is another phenomenon altogether.

A McDonald's worker did the most absurd thing: took a dirty mop to the warmer light of the French Fries station and attempted to dry it there while there was food around. 

The McDonald's store in Australia received a lot of heat after this video was shared on social media. 

Watch the video below - courtesy of Instagram

In another incident at a Subway restaurant in Chicago, we saw a man who is assumed to be one of the workers sitting cross-legged on the food preparation counter. 

This is just as bad, if not worse, as the woman with the mop. 

Watch what happened below - courtesy of TikTok

@viraltvnetwork Subway man viral after making sandwiches with his feet on counter update #subway 📷 @Jackie #restaurant #funny #chicago #food #sandwich #customer #employee #foryou ♬ A mysterious scene of the near future like Blade Runner(994826) - The Structures

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Image Courtesy of Instagram

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