Patrolman helps baboons cross Simon's Town road

Patrolman helps baboons cross Simon's Town road

Could this be the new way to manage the baboon invasions – lending a hand of kindness?

A patrolman helping baboons cross the road in Simonstown
A patrolman helping baboons cross the road in Simonstown/Instagram Screenshot/SouthAfrica

We are learning to coexist with monkeys as a community. Just as we live alongside monkeys in KZN, residents of Simon's Town also share their space with baboons.

Social media has shown us that while monkeys can be mischievous and troublesome, baboons tend to be far more aggressive and violent in their behavior.

We've seen videos of baboons breaking into secured homes and even attacking beachgoers when they don’t get their way. 

Some animals react defensively because they aren't always welcomed into the community. In many cases, it's a battle of fear versus fear.

The community of Simon's Town in the Western Cape has taken a unique approach to living alongside baboons. While these animals can be troublesome for businesses in their search for food, they are still an integral part of conservation and deserve protection.

In a heartwarming video shared on Instagram, a patrolman wearing a reflective jacket holds a baboon flag at a zebra crossing. It's an adorable sight. 

The man uses the flag to stop traffic and help the baboons cross the road safely. At first glance, it might seem like a joke, but after a closer look, it's clear that this is a commitment from the Simon's Town community.

A local shop owner shared, "This happens on Simon’s Town’s main road. Sometimes, I close my shop and wave the flag to slow down traffic when the baboons are around. They’re such beautiful characters. Unfortunately, not everyone shares the same view, and some mistreat them. I believe people just need a bit of education about baboons. We should see them as an asset to our town, as visitors love to see them."

Watch the video below – courtesy of Instagram

The video is a powerful reminder that humans and baboons (and even monkeys) can coexist peacefully. 

It’s heartwarming to witness how people can be protective of these beautiful creatures. This is possible when we take a step back and recognise that their actions are driven by instinct, not malice.

Danny Guselli Podcast banner
Danny Guselli Podcast banner/Supplied


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