OPINION: Professionals that are overpaid

OPINION: Professionals that are overpaid

Would you consider changing your job based on the jobs that pay the most?

Men playing football on a football field
Men playing football on a football field/Pexels/@Yahye Abdi

It seems contradictory to chat about overpaid professionals, mainly because so many people are struggling to find employment in our country. 

But the thing about the world of professionals is that you cannot paint all of them with the same brush. 

In saying that, many professions have stereotypes attached to them. Like most people believe that all footballers get paid well or all doctors are rich, but these perceptions are not always true. 

We found a bunch of jobs shared by people on Reddit. Many of these professions receive more than healthy paychecks. 

The comment that got our attention immediately shared: "I rewrite and simplify reports before they go up to tech company executives. I work maybe 2 or 3 hours daily and make over 100k a year." (Reddit)

This person shared some sound advice: "Find a job where you can improve an executive's day-to-day life, and they will give you glowing evaluations, pay raises, and never get rid of you. (Results may vary, I live a stupid and lucky life)" (Reddit)

Another person shared how they switched careers from being a professional chef to a market research expert. Over and above being able to work from home, this person also only works about two hours a day and receives a six-figure salary with benefits, vacation time, and more. 

Stereotypically, in South Africa, many people might say that overpaid professions include politicians, government workers, lawyers, and influencers. 

What do you think?

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Image Courtesy of Pexels

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