Husband realises he shouldn't mess with Alexa

Husband realises he shouldn't mess with Alexa

Be warned; even AI can be spicy...

Photo of gray round speaker
Photo of gray round speaker/Pexels/@Jonathan Borba

There have been many stories in the media sharing how Amazon's Alexa has aided people in tricky situations and how she can be spicy in her demeanour. 

"Alexa is Amazon’s cloud-based voice service available on more than 100 million devices from Amazon and third-party device manufacturers. With Alexa, you can build natural voice experiences that offer customers a more intuitive way to interact with the technology they use daily." (Amazon)

But Alexa's voice can sometimes rub people up the wrong way; it seems that one husband was not a fan, and he felt brave enough to let Alexa know he would unplug her as soon as his wife left town. 

In a video shared on Instagram, the man blatantly told Alexa that he wouldn't have to hear her voice for a week. He taunted her even more when he said he would happily use Siri (Apple's voice assistant) all week. 

Then, as his wife entered the room, he asked Alexa to check his wife's flight details. 

Alexa returned with a vengeance and started spewing out information that we were not sure this man wanted his wife to know. Perhaps it was all a ruse, but it was amusing. 

Watch what happened below - courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Pexels

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