How to braai the perfect piece of meat...

How to braai the perfect piece of meat...

As we approach our most anticipated holiday in South Africa, Heritage Day/Braai Day, we take a look at the best ways to braai your favourite cut of beef. 

Beef steaks on the braai with flames
Beef steaks on the braai with flames/iStock/@AlexRaths

We are preparing to get our braai stands lit and equipped for Braai Day / Heritage Day

Many people will never admit openly that they perhaps lack expertise in braaing a piece of meat to perfection. 

We have some great tips on braaing the perfect piece of meat. These are specific to beef and include different cuts of beef, from fillet to rump steak. 

According to the Mega Master website, these are the steps to follow to braai the perfect steak. 

  • Contrary to what one might think, spreading sauce or marinade over your steak is not the way. "Respect the meat and use good-quality spices to add more flavour."
  • Salt draws moisture from the meat, so salt your steak before it goes on the braai.
  • Sprinkle brown sugar over your steak for ultimate caramelisation. The sugar will burn away, leaving behind a glistening golden brown colour.
  • As a rule of thumb, braai a medium-rare steak 25mm thick for three and a half minutes per side.
  • If you’re braaing a sirloin steak with a nice piece of fat on the side, remember to salt that, too. Crisp up the fat at the end of your cook and remove it from the heat.
  • Leave your steak on one side for the entire duration to create a flavour crust that is caramelised to perfection. Avoid flipping it too often.
  • Always rest your steak for eight minutes before serving. If you cut into it sooner, it will lose all its juices. To some, it may look like blood seeping from the steak, but it’s all the flavour getting lost.
How to braai whole fillet steak:

  • For a whole fillet steak, you can start by searing each side for two minutes on extremely high heat. 
  • After that, you can wait for the heat to lower and braai the steak till the fillet reaches 54°C for medium rare. 
  • If you have a braai with a lid, we suggest closing the lid so it creates a convection of heat to help you cook your fillet quicker.
  • Resting the meat is always essential - rest for eight minutes and then slice into 25mm medallions before serving.
How to braai rump steak: 

  • A steak with fat needs salt. Season your rump and the fat well with good-quality salt and pepper.
  • Braai for 3.5 minutes on a side.
  • Finish off on the fat side for 2-3 minutes to crisp it up.
  • Rest for eight minutes and serve. 

How to braai sirloin steak: 

  • After seasoning your steak with salt and pepper, place it on the braai on high heat. Sear the meat for three minutes on each side.
  • Finish off by searing the fat side of your steak until golden brown. If you don't want to change the finish of the meat, then take it off the heat. 
  • Remove from the heat and rest for eight minutes.
How to braai ribeye steak: 

  • Choosing a ribeye minimum of 25mm thick is essential for a braai. 
  • Add salt and pepper and then transfer to high heat. Sear for three minutes on each flat side.
  • Because a ribeye steak has a few layers of fat, you can sear it for a minute on the sides as well. This will caramelise your steak and seal all the juices on the inside.
  • Take of the heat and rest for eight minutes.

The Mega Master website has great tips on how to get the perfect meat for a braai. 

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Image Courtesy of iStock/AlexRaths

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