How to be more productive at home and work

How to be more productive at home and work

Today is World Productivity Day, so let's shake that unproductive feeling away with helpful tips on being more productive. 

Inspirational quotes on a planner
Inspirational quotes on a planner/Pexels/@BichTran

Have you ever heard people complain that there aren't enough hours in a day to get everything done? 

We think everyone has to find their rhythm when finding balance in life. Rewiring your life so that you feel productive takes a certain amount of consideration. 

What better day to look into your levels of productivity than on World Productivity Day

It's important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to being more productive. 

1. Routine

Sticking to a routine is vital. Routines are said to "benefit productivity and increase efficiency". They also help you free your mind to think about other things. 

"For many people, making their bed isn’t about perfection; it is about beginning the day with a feeling of order and being unburdened with clutter,” says Rachel Heitman, a licensed professional counsellor at Carolina Minds (Today)

Finding a routine that works best for you takes time; you have to switch things up and figure out how to be productive. 

2. When are you most productive?

Determining whether you are a morning or evening person is also essential when trying to be productive. '

If you are most productive in the morning, wake up early and finish your tasks. This way, you can feed off your most productive time of day positively and efficiently. 

3. Stop multitasking

Yes, there are some instances when you must multitask, but fight the urge to do so unless necessary.

Heitman says:  “Allow yourself to be fully in your moment. If you’re working, then work. If you’re playing and relaxing, let that take over! This will protect you from guilt and the urge to numb out.” (Today)

4. Group tasks together

Instead of jumping from one task to another and these being unrelated, group the functions that make the most sense to do together. For instance, admin tasks (calls, emails, etc.)

5. Be realistic about time

Sometimes, we try to do too much in a short space of time. Be realistic about how much time you assign to each task. 

Set tasks that you know you can finish and that will also help you feel fulfilled. 

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Image Courtesy of Pexels

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