Have you ever tried withdrawing 1c from the bank?

Have you ever tried withdrawing 1c from the bank?

A Florida man tried this and was arrested. 

Person entering pin code using atm bank machine
Person entering pin code using atm bank machine/iStock/@PKpix

To answer that question, if there is something that you could buy for 1 cent, we are sure people would try. 

But if you have a bank account, you will know that is impossible. A man from the USA tried this at a bank in Sumter County, Florida and was taken into custody on a felony robbery charge. 

The man was later identified as Michael Fleming. After filling out a withdrawal slip for 1 cent, he was allegedly told by the bank teller that he couldn't withdraw this amount. 

It sounds absurd, but it is reported that the man, Fleming, said something to the bank teller that made her feel like he was going to be violent

This led her to call authorities, and when they arrived, they read Fleming his rights and took him into custody. Fleming is said to have spoken to authorities but the conversation was edited from the report. 

There's a big chunk of the story that is missing, which leaves us confused. Fleming is at a Detention Centre. 

Many people commented on the above post on Instagram and said that they also felt confused about his arrest. 

A woman who works at a bank in the US said: "I work in a bank. It may be a weird withdrawal, but if he had his account info and all was well, she had no right to turn him away. We absolutely can give him HIS penny. Also, we typically don’t call the cops for every person we question. Every situation is different, but we call if safety is threatened, if they are being robbed (or believe we will be) if they’re trespassing after being asked to leave, etc..so in partial defence of her, whatever he said had to have been enough cause to call the cops. But if he had the penny and had his info, she should have given it to him." 

The loopholes in the story are worth more than a penny or, in our case, a cent. Penny for the real story?

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Image Courtesy of iStock/PKpix

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