Funny proposal deserves an "apple-ause"

Funny proposal deserves an "apple-ause"

Ah, it's these innocent moments in life that sometimes make for the best entertainment. 

A guy proposes to his girlfriend at an apple farm
A guy proposes to his girlfriend at an apple farm/Instagram Screenshot/AFVOfficial

You might imagine that proposing on one knee at an apple farm would be the perfect, romantic moment. 

Picture it: the sweet, fresh scent of apples in the air, surrounded by the lush greenery and tranquillity of nature – it's the perfect backdrop for a romantic milestone.

However, the reality turned out to be more humorous than romantic. The woman’s reaction to her boyfriend kneeling was more comical than anything, but who’s to say that funny moments can’t have a touch of romance?

After all, the world of romantic comedies thrives on the blend of humor and love, showing that the two can go hand in hand.

Danny Guselli might just be the perfect person to explain the mix of excitement and nervousness that comes with proposing to someone you love.

The effort, the planning, and the vulnerability in asking someone to spend the rest of their life with you is life changing.

It’s only natural to feel anxious in the moment, and when you're down on one knee, you might expect a variety of responses – just not getting hit in the face with a half-eaten apple.

The sight of a woman hitting her boyfriend in the face with her apple while he was proposing was anything but expected. Perhaps she thought he wasn’t serious and reacted instinctively, a playful moment that perfectly captured the lighthearted dynamic of their relationship.

Watch the video below from Instagram

Danny Guselli Podcast banner
Danny Guselli Podcast banner/Supplied


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