Crazy video shows three-year-old driving a Ferrari

Crazy video shows three-year-old driving a Ferrari

This is truly amazing to watch but also heart-thumping for obvious reasons...

A toddler drives a Ferrari using a camera
A toddler drives a Ferrari using a camera/Instagram Screenshot/@thebillionaireslifestyle

Disclaimer: We do not condone anyone without a driver's licence operating a vehicle, not least a child.

It's not often a person might say they had a chance to see, let alone drive a Ferrari. 

The prestige and elegance that come with moving around with a flashy red Ferrari is something that most people have on their bucket list. 

Now, can you now imagine a three-year-old living out your dream? 

On The Billionaires Lifestyle Instagram page, we see a three-year-old very carefully steer a Ferrari SF90 Stradale. 

This vehicle is said to cost around $759,000, which is a whopping R14-million.

Like us, we assume that you might be confused by it all, after all, how could a three-year-old reach the pedals or see over the steering wheel, right? 

Well, it's like that age-old saying, where there's a will, there's a way. 

Watch the little guy steer the Ferrari out of the garage and into the yard and then back into the garage again. Courtesy of Instagram

The mere ease and confidence that comes with this three-year-old shows the type of lifestyle he has been born into. 

Because let's be honest, if you are not a billionaire, we highly doubt you would be happy letting your toddler drive your very expensive Ferrari... what would your insurance premiums be like?

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Image Courtesy of Instagram

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