Be prepared! Tips to stay safe online

Be prepared! Tips to stay safe online

Password protection and recognising legitimate websites are essential factors when staying safe online. 

A person secures his account on his mobile smartphone
A person secures his account on his mobile smartphone/iStock/@ipuwadol

Staying safe while using the internet is something that we have to commit to regularly. 

Scammers are evolving their methods of conning people, and sometimes, what seems like just another bank email or SMS could turn out to be a cunning attempt at online theft. 

We have put together a list of some ways you can be proactive in your approach to staying safe online. 

1. Create strong passwords

Having a strong and unique password helps protect your privacy online. The rule of thumb is generally to have a password that is 12 characters long and mixed with letters, symbols, and numbers. 

2. Two-factor authentification

This might seem like a lot for some online users, but it adds a layer of protection for you if a criminal gets ahold of your password. The second form of verification allows you to stay in control. 

3. Pay attention to detail when it comes to phishing scams

Please don't click on suspicious links sent via email or SMS. Look out for misspellings and URLs; sometimes, the look and feel of a phishing site might trick you, but don't engage if you suspect foul play. 

4. Update your device's software

Make sure to update the security features on your devices. This helps protect your safety while online. Updates contain security patches that help fix app bugs and protect you from online threats. 

5. Be wary of public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi is not secure and can leave you vulnerable to hackers. Try not to use your secure banking apps when using public Wi-Fi; instead, use your mobile data. 

6. Log out

This is a simple tip but one that many fail to adhere to: logging out of your accounts or profiles is vital, not only on public computers or shared devices, but also on your personal devices. 

7. Stay alert

Cyber threats are ever-changing and advancing; stay alert by reading your notifications on your banking apps and reading online articles from reputable sources. 

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Image Courtesy of iStock/ipuwadol

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