Should the public be made aware of the health statuses of celebrities?

Should the public be made aware of the health statuses of celebrities?

Celebrities are always in the spotlight when it comes to things happening in their lives, but when it comes to their health, should it be public knowledge or is it an invasion of privacy?

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Can you believe that it's been almost four years since F1 legend Michael Schumacher was skiing with his 14-year-old son in the French Alps and fell and hit his head on a rock? Time really does fly.

Read: Schumacher in survival battle

The Formula One driver was put into a medically-induced coma and underwent two life-saving operations. Later in 2014, Schumacher was woken from his coma and moved to a rehabilitation ward.

Official updates from the Schumacher family have been few and far between since the accident. Even his agent has said that his health was not a public issue.

Then, in April 2015, it was announced that Michael had shown 'moments of consciousness and awakening' and three months later, a statement was released confirming that the F1 champion was no longer in a coma and had left the hospital. But updates are few and far between, which often leads to speculation from the media and the public.

It got me thinking. Celebrities are constantly in the media and making headlines for what's going on in their lives. The media and the public feed on this information and want to know what's going on with their favourite celebs.

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Celebrities choose to put themselves 'out there', but I think that it's also vital to have privacy when you want it. I mean, privacy is an element of human rights so it boils down to the public's right to know versus the infringement of privacy.

What do you think - should the public have the right to know about celebrities when it comes to their health, especially after an accident?

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