New WhatsApp feature lets you recall that message you regret

New WhatsApp feature lets you recall that message you regret

This has to be the best news today?!


I'm pretty sure we've all been there, done that.

You know, when you're arguing with someone and in the heat of the moment you send a WhatsApp message - and instantly regret it.

See: How to politely leave your family's WhatApp group

Yay for a brand new feature which will allow you to recall that message, and you have five minutes to think about your actions.

And that's not all, you can also recall images, videos, GIFS, documents, quoted texts, and even status replies.

In a nutshell, you have five minutes to recall whatever it is you want to no longer send, but anything sent more than five minutes ago will stay.

See: Here's how to avoid blue ticking on WhatsApp

Apparently the app will enable Recall in version ‘2.17.30+’.

Version 2.17.30 has just hit the app stores, so hopefully it won't be too long of a wait?

So, what have you texted or what image have you sent someone that you wish you could recall? Tell me below.

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