Woman buys a sofa and gets a delightful surprise inside

Woman buys a sofa and gets a delightful surprise inside

It was one heck of a 'barking' surprise...

A puppy sitting in front of a couch
A puppy sitting in front of a couch/Facebook/@soraya.marinhogarcia

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There's nothing that gets to us more than people who don't know how to treat animals. 

At the very least, we can use our voices to speak up for ourselves, but animals cannot. 

One woman got the shock of her life after purchasing a second-hand couch. 

In Brazil, at Joinville, in the north of Santa Catarina, Soraya Gomes Garcia purchased a used sofa. 

Inside the couch, she found a dog. How the dog got inside is unknown. 

But it is assumed that someone left the dog inside the couch. 

Garcia decided to adopt the seven-month-old dog and named her Mel. 

The name was quite special to her as it was the name of her family dog that passed away. 

It is certainly a miraculous story and one that we are glad to know ended in a happy way. 

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