#WCW: Esther Okade gets her PhD at the tender age of 14

#WCW: Esther Okade gets her PhD at the tender age of 14

Can you remember what you were doing at 14?

#WCW: Esther Okade, gets her PhD at the tender age of 14-years-old

If you can remember what you were doing at the tender age of 14, then big props to you. There are those people in life who just know what they want out of life. They know what they want and they go for it with everything they have. 

Esther Okade, a British-Nigerian 14-year-old, is definitely one such young lady. Her brilliance doesn't just shine through in her accolades, but also in her vision for the future...

She is definitely a worthy candidate for this week's woman crush. In 2015, reports about Esther, a genius, was shared with the world. At the time she was 10-years-old and it was revealed that she was being homeschooled by her mom. 

Her mother just happens to be a mathematician and a teacher, so, of course, that says a lot about the path her little one has taken. 

"Esther was said to have grown up like every other girl-child of her age as she loves playing with Barbie dolls and dressing up as Elsa from Frozen but aside that she is above her age mate and peers academically." (Yen.com.Gh)

Her parents saw something different about her and that is when they decided to home school her. Not all children thrive in home school set ups, but as a parent it pays to pay attention to the best environment for your child. 

Obviously it worked for this young lady, who now has her PhD. She loves helping people and she loves numbers so obviously that translates into her wanting to own and run a bank. 

She has even written a book series called, 'Yummy Yummy Algebra'.

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She certainly reminds us that when you are passionate about something, there's not much that can stop you from achieving your goals. Also the fact that her parents decided to place her in the most conducive environment for her growth, made a difference. 

Sometimes as parents, we don't like going against the grain. But if we take a step back and reflect, we are able to see that not all things that are right for our kids are socially accepted, it's bespoke to their individuality. 

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