WATCH: Young woman stops a police officer and performs a dance...

WATCH: Young woman stops a police officer and performs a dance...

A hearty and funny way of making people smile...

Woman dancing for a police officer on street
Woman dancing for a police officer on street/TikTok Screenshot/@miriamkesanga

There are many people out there doing their best to uplift others. It seems one such woman is doing it in the streets of Congo. 

Her name is Miriam Kesanga and her bio reads: "Animatrice (Host), Comédienne (Comedian)". 

She is from Congo and shares videos of her surprising people with a small dance skit and a gift. 

From the looks of it, it seems that she is an MC and comedian and does these dances as a surprise for people at various locations. 

In particular, one of her videos really blew up on TikTok. She is seen stopping a police officer on the street and performing a dance for him. 

The police officer remained stern and did not stop her from her dance routine, but did not look impressed at first. 

As she continues, she breaks to remove something that looked like a folded piece of paper from her pocket and handed to him whilst going down on one knee. 

She posted her intention on her post with the video. This is the translation from French: 

"We are in a country where the relationship between police and civilians no longer exists, police officers have become permanent enemies of civilians. In this video I tried to question my influencer hat to bring to life the harmony that existed and can still exist between Congolese police and civilians. Let's stay together because na lisanga nde toko bongisa CONGO🇨🇩🇨🇩. I managed my surprise." (TikTok)

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In the end, her intention was achieved as the policeman did eventually smile. It goes to show that sometimes you can make a difference in the smallest of ways. 

If one person like Miriam is able to spread positivity and joy in her simple but endearing way, then can you imagine what we could do in our beloved country?

WATCH the video below, courtesy of TikTok

@miriamkesanga #SurpriseCom ♬ son original - Journaliste Miriam K
Carol podcasts
East Coast Radio

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Image Courtesy of TikTok

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