WATCH: One of the cutest things you will see on the internet today...

WATCH: One of the cutest things you will see on the internet today...

When a duck takes on the New York marathon and you are still sitting on the couch...

WATCH: One of the cutest things you will see on the internet today...
Instagram Screenshots/@seducktive

Our eyes are always open when it comes to cute things on the internet. Most of the time it has to do with cute animal videos, or our sweet kids that always manage to bring out the 'haha' in us. 

It's definitely because of the innocence that these two have in common. And also the fact that they are unaware, to some extent, about how cute they really are. Which, we think really adds to their cuteness...

Wrinkle is one such cutie pie that is melting people's hearts all over the world. She is a duck with some pizzazz and she damn sure owns it. She recently participated in the New York City Marathon, which happened to celebrate its 50th event this past Sunday. 

"Footage filmed from the side of the road showed the duck quacking and waddling her way down the street, while another angle showed Wrinkle running towards the camera in custom-made shoes." (Unilad)

WATCH the video below (courtesy of Instagram):

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We are uncertain as to how much of the marathon Wrinkle participated in, nor do we know her average speed, but what we do know is that she truly created a spectacle that got everyone feeling good. 

"The TikTok video has been viewed more than three million times since it was posted on Monday, with Wrinkle earning praise from numerous TikTok users as well as big brands and names such as Adidas, the New York Rangers, Ritz crackers and Ocean Spray." (Unilad)

The above reel on Instagram has received over two-million views. We love you, Wrinkle, and we hope you bring so much more light on your journey. 

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Instagram

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