Tourist witnesses zebra giving birth

Tourist witnesses zebra giving birth

Witnessing the miracle of life is something else altogether...

A mother Zebra with her baby
A mother Zebra with her baby/Instagram Screenshot/upwardwithamy

Not everyone gets to witness the miracle of birth, especially that of a mother zebra and her foal. 

But during a safari tour at the Kapama River Lodge, located at the Kapama Private Game Reserve in the Limpopo Province of South Africa, a tourist got the surprise of her life when her group saw a zebra go into labour.

After enjoying tea in the bush, the group set off to watch some giraffes when their guide suddenly spotted a zebra in labour. Instantly, they were captivated.


Of course, some people took to the comments section to express their disapproval, arguing that the tourists were inconsiderate for moving closer to the zebra and her foal.

While it was, in some ways, an intrusion into the mother’s space, it was also a rare and awe-inspiring moment – nature at its most raw and beautiful.

One commenter added an interesting insight: "Fun fact: Zebras often stay close to giraffes because giraffes can detect threats earlier than they can."

Watch the video below – courtesy of Instagram

Please note that this video is not recommended for sensitive viewers. 

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