These childhood habits may affect your adult life

These childhood habits may affect your adult life

Do you think that the habits that you acquired as a child affect your adult life? Well, you could be right...

Baby picking nose with his index finger
Baby picking nose with his index finger/iStock/Sergiophoto84

Childhood habits are a part of life that usually go away with time. Well, not always, but that's what we expect as kids get older. 

As you might know, a lot of the things we do as kids can impact us later on in life. As children, we push our bodies to the max, not at all thinking about how this might affect our bodies later in life. 

It seems that childhood habits like picking your nose, carrying a heavy backpack to school, and even biting your nails can affect you as an adult. 

"According to a 2004 study, adults who suffer from chronic back pain already complained about pain or the weight of their backpacks when they were little." (MSN)

That is valuable to note, especially as we recently sent our kids back to school. Carrying a heavy backpack can strain your kid's back and also tire your child. 

Adults who sleep with the light on are said to be more likely to suffer from depression. Sleeping with the light on is something that many kids tend to find comfort in, but it seems taking this trait into adulthood could be damaging. 

"A study published in the journal Cerebral Cortex revealed that children who watched too much television have lower verbal IQ scores. Another study found that kids who spend too much time in front of the screen could have attention problems in their adolescence." (MSN)

The information from these studies is based on research done on a group of people and cannot conclusively determine their suppositions. It's important to note that. 

Another habit that can cause an unhealthy lifestyle is drinking sugary drinks when young. Not only does this cause weight gain, it also doesn't contribute to good oral health. 

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Nail biting is something that is usually associated with nervousness or anxiety, but it also has negative effects on your teeth. It can also damage the tissue around your nails and cause infections on your skin. 

As a kid, doing chores might not be that appealing, but it has positive effects when you grow up. "According to Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of the book 'How to Raise an Adult,' children who were raised to do chores are more likely to become independent, empathetic, and collaborative adults." (MSN)

Not having enough sleep as a kid could impact you as an adult and you could likely suffer from anxiety or depression. 

Sniffing markers could lead to heart complications or even losing brain cells. 

So, what's the lesson here? As a parent, it is important to help your child avoid bad habits from a young age, so as to avoid any issues later on in life.

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Image Courtesy of iStock/Sergiophoto84

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