Singer receives death threats for returning puppy

Singer receives death threats for returning puppy

British pop singer Lily Allen has shared that after much deliberation she decided to return a puppy that wasn't the right fit for her and her family. Since then, she has been receiving death threats.

Female cleaning up after her puppy
Female cleaning up after her puppy/iStock/MonkeyBusinessImages

Like most people, we love puppies. Puppies are playful and full of energy, represent purity and love, and are adored by everyone. Well, most people.

Unconditional love comes from having a pet, a sense of belonging and understanding that some people don't get from other humans but rather from their furry family members. 

Therefore, it is difficult to understand why some people abandon their pets when things get tough. This is one of the reasons that Kenya's capital, Nairobi, is thinking of adding a cat tax, which will see cat owners pay a special fee for their pets. 

Animal abandonment is a huge problem in many countries. Pet owners throw out their pets because they suddenly don't fit into their lives anymore, so we can understand why pet lovers feel strongly about this topic. 

According to Sky News, British pop star Lily Allen says she has received death threats after revealing she returned an adopted puppy because it "ate her family's passports". 

Allen revealed on a podcast episode that she returned a pup she adopted during the pandemic after it ate her passport. Shortly after revealing this, she received an open letter from an animal rights charity saying it was "appalled" to hear she returned the dog, adding that pets "should never be treated as accessories to be discarded when they become inconvenient".

Allen blamed social media users for stringing together 'quotes' to make it seem worse than it was. She admitted that the pup, Mary, was a badly behaved pup, and despite her efforts to make it work with her, the passport-eating incident was the last straw. 

She shared a message on her Instagram story about how things spiralled out of control. 

Listen to this story about a woman and how she gave her dog away - courtesy of YouTube

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Image Courtesy of iStock/monkeybusinessimages

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