SEE: Carol Ofori finds feathers in her garden - what actually happened here...

LISTEN: Carol Ofori finds feathers in her garden - what actually happened here...

Carol Ofori took a walk in her garden and found a whole lot of white feathers - and so the mystery begins...

SEE: Carol Ofori finds feathers in her garden - what actually happened here...
Carol Ofori

LISTEN to Carol's mother and sister share their guesses as well as KZN listeners below:

Taking a walk outside can be so rejuvenating and when you have little kids, it's definitely a must, as they are little adventurers and want to pick and prod at absolutely everything. 

After taking a stroll in her garden, Carol Ofori shared a few photos of something that you don't often see. A bunch of white feathers were all over her backyard. We are all left feeling like there is a huge chunk of the story that we don't know and the thing is, neither does she, or her family. 

The guessing began with her family and now it continues as she opens it up to KZN... 

Check out the photos below...

Carol Ofori found some white feathers in her garden
Carol Ofori
Carol Ofori found some white feathers in her garden
Carol Ofori
Carol Ofori found some white feathers in her garden
Carol Ofori

After researching it, Carol found some interesting information on Google...

For one, feathers are said to be quite symbolic. "Feather symbolism takes on different meanings, depending on who you ask. In general, though: feathers symbolise the protection and love of guardian angels, the wind, the creator, and even the connection one has with God," World Birds Website explains.

Whilst another source revealed: "Feathers have many different meanings, but they have always been associated with freedom, transcendence and communication with spiritual realms. Finding a feather can be an uplifting, spiritual experience, especially when you find one in an unexpected place such as in your house or in your purse, where there isn't an easy way to explain its presence." (LinkedIn)

We are not sure whether this is superstitious or just a message from the universe, but either way, we believe that now more than ever we all need a sign such as this. 

So we would like to share it with you all - Take a look at what finding white feathers means:

Different coloured feathers symbolise different things and it so happens that white feathers are considered to be omens of light burdens and an attainment of goals. 

"To see feathers piled around you means all your burdens will be light and your cares few. Different bird feathers mean different things: Eagle feathers meaning is you will attain your aspirations," World Birds Website adds.

Carol podcasts
East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Carol Ofori

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