MacGyver, that you? School girl makes fun of boy's school shoe hack

MacGyver, that you? School girl makes fun of boy's school shoe hack

This young man even went as far as to name his modified school slipper, "AMAToughees Lite"...

A schoolboy wearing a modified school shoe
A schoolboy wearing a modified school shoe/Instagram Screenshot/@flipsideradar

South Africans are known for their resilience. Our ability to pick ourselves up is second nature. So is our power to assert our innovativeness. 

Innovation isn't a gift everyone possesses, but the rare few can take something old, tattered or torn and turn it into something functional. 

This innovative spirit was witnessed by a scholar whose school shoes had retired. But, of course, not everyone can afford new school shoes this far into the year. Therefore, this young man decided to redesign his school shoes to remain wearable. 

A fellow scholar decided to video his updated design while asking what was happening with his shoes. 

She asked him about his shoes, which he called, "AMAtoughees lite." They looked like any other boy's school shoes, but the difference was that the back part of the shoe was missing. 

We are uncertain if they were torn, so he decided to cut them up or if he outgrew them and let the scissors do the talking. The young lady who was videoing his unusual shoe design began interrogating her schoolmate about his shoes and even told him he was not caring for them well. 

But he owned his innovative design, and that was that...

Watch the video below - courtesy of Instagram.

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Image Courtesy of Instagram

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