PARENTING: This is why your phone has a lock feature...

PARENTING: This is why your phone has a lock feature...

Kids are superhuman when it comes to smart phones...

Kid with lots of cheeseburgers
Kid with lots of cheeseburgers/Instagram Screenshot/@CNN

We have certainly learnt our lesson when it comes to leaving our kids alone with unlocked phones. 

Remember that time Carol Ofori's son, Sena, ordered 30 fans from Amazon? Let's just say she was not impressed at all - and who could blame her?!

And just like that we hear about another story recently, only this time the kid was two-years-old and ordered cheeseburgers. 

A Texas mother left her phone unlocked with her two-year-old and let's just say it cost her more than just a surprise. 

Young Barrett managed to go onto her DoorDash account and order 31 cheeseburgers from McDonald's. Mum only found out about it when the delivery came through...

According to CNN, the mother was captured saying:

"“A car pulls in and I was like, ‘what’? so I went over to it, and she gets out a giant McDonald’s bag and is like ’31 cheeseburgers?'" Barrett's mom said. The order came out to $91.70, in part because Barrett left a “really generous” 25 percent tip."

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If you are a parent to a toddler, you will know that they are so instinctive with smartphones. It's almost as if they could teach you a thing or two...

We are certain that whoever created the lock feature on phones must have kids. It cannot only be for safety of information purposes. 

These kids will be the generation that outwits us...

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