PARENTING: When your foster child melts your heart and you take the unconventional route to motherhood

PARENTING: When your foster child melts your heart and you take the unconventional route to motherhood

When life puts you on a path that you are meant to be, you embrace it!

PARENTING: When your foster child melts your heart and you take the unconventional route to motherhood
A young child is having fun dancing and playing with his brother

We can all attest to those times when life pushes you beyond your known limits. Whether that comes in the form of a career path or becoming a parent, we would like to think that it is on purpose. 

The universe sometimes places things on our path that doesn't always look like what you planned, but it ends up being the best part of your life. This is exactly what happened with this mother who started off as a foster parent and then decided that she wasn't going to allow 'everyone else' to decide her fate. 

A foster mother who shared a very personal story on her social media about turning into an adoptive mother has created a platform for adoptees, adoptive parents, and foster parents to share their feelings about this sensitive topic. 

She decided to stop worrying about other people's opinions, which is something that we tend to do, and decided to adopt her foster son and then not long afterward, adopted another child. She became a single mom consciously and willingly. 

Why is that we sometimes base our decisions in life on what other people say or think? Is it something that we have to unlearn as a society, to let people be themselves and be supportive instead of judgmental? 

The video was absolutely inspiring in nature and some people shared their heartfelt responses, check them out below. Let's choose to become more supportive in nature, let's take a moment and think about following our hearts and what happens when we share in the love as opposed to the hate and judgement...

WATCH the video below (courtesy of Reddit):

Carol podcasts
East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Reddit

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