PARENTING: Childhood behaviours to watch out for in toddlers

PARENTING: Childhood behaviours to watch out for in toddlers

As much as it comes with emotion, we need to lead from a place of responsibility for our kids' well-being.

Kid on a white table painting
Kid on a white table painting/Pexels

You never want to be the parent who is called into school to chat about your child's development. 

And with the first term of school drawing to a close, we are all catching up with school teachers about our children's progress reports. 

Which can definitely be a daunting experience as a parent, because we want the best for them - and that can be stressful. 

Not all kids are the same, just like not all adults are the same. The learning capabilities of one child differ from another. 

And with experts learning from past experience, it is completely advisable to assess your child's learning capabilities as early as possible. 

From fine motor skills and hearing tests to speech development, these are all things that give insight into your child's development or growth blueprint. 

"One in every five school-age children has a learning and attention problem, and early indicators frequently manifest as developmental delays in the toddler and preschool years. A delay in fine motor abilities could be a normal developmental blip or it could suggest something more serious." (Fourways Review)

But the best advice, regardless of how overwhelming it can be, is the earlier parents and teachers can acknowledge any noticeable delays, the quicker they can come up with a solution. 

Which means the children will benefit wholly, as they will be able to perform better in the long run. 

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